Friday, September 23, 2022

PGS Events for the Week of 27 September to 1 October

 Tuesday, 27-Sep-22 at 11:00 AM. DNA Basics II ( DNA):          This class focuses on how to use DNA "cousin" matching in your research. Whether it is called "Shared Matches", "In Common With", or some other title, all of the primary DNA companies have tools that allow you to analyze your matches based on the groups that have DNA in common. DNA Basics I is recommended, but not required before attending Basics II. Manning/Luce, hybrid--Jenkins C and via Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting, if attending via Zoom at:

Tuesday, 27-Sep-22 at 1:00 PM. DNA Interest Group--Learn how to interpret your DNA test results, and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Manning/Luce, hybrid--Jenkins C and via Zoom.

Register for the meeting via Zoom at:

Thursday, 29-Sep-22 at 1:00 PM. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): History and Research. The CCC was a major governmental program of the New Deal that sought to employ millions of destitute young men of the Depression Era. Although the term “CCC” is usually recognized, few specifics are generally known about the program. This presentation recounts the history and accomplishments of the CCC, as well as characteristics of the corps members and camp life. It will also explore where records can be found and how to order them if needed. Summers, hybrid--Local History Room and via Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting, if attending via Zoom at:

Saturday, 1-Oct-22 at 10:00 AM. Family Tree Maker User Group. Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Bryan, Zoom Only.

Register in advance for this meeting at:

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