Friday, March 12, 2021

PGS Events for the Week of 15-20 March 2021

 Monday, 15-Mar-21 at 6:00 PM. Library Catalog Searching for Genealogists –     Libraries are a great place for finding genealogy resources. This class will show you how to find libraries and archives that can help you in your search, how to get the most from catalog searches, and discover other helpful resources available through online catalogs. Fortin, Online Class – Webinar

Register at

Wednesday, 17-Mar-21 at 6:00 PM. Census Timelines--This class focuses on analyzing groups of similar questions asked in different census years, thus creating a time line of your ancestor’s responses; it also looks at the instructions given to census takers--if you understand the questions, you can better understand the answers. Summers, Online Class – Webinar

Register at:

Saturday, 20-Mar-21 at 11:00 AM. Program Meeting; Lecture Series: Two lectures with a short break in between.  “Colonial American Migration Routes and Modes of Travel” & “Following a Family Migration – New Jersey to Iowa the Long Way Around.”  Annette Burke Lyttle. Online Class - Webinar

Register in advance for this meeting:

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