All scheduled PGS classes are posted on the society calendar at which also has information on using Zoom (Zoom Orientation tab).
Monday, 4-Jan-21 at 6:00 PM. RootsMagic -2 Second in the series. Online class—webinar. Summers
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Tuesday, 5-Jan-21 at 6:00 PM. Family Tree Maker 2019 Basics--Part 1 . A detailed explanation and demonstration of the many features of this most popular genealogy database program. Online class—webinar, Hahn
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Wednesday, 6-Jan-21 at 1:00 PM. Library of Congress Website-- what genealogy help it provides, veterans’ information, historic newspapers, digital collections, photographs, and use of the catalog. Online class—webinar, Summers.
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Thursday, 7-Jan-21 at 7:00 PM. DNA Basics III (Ancestry DNA): By looking at DNA test results through the lens of one of the most popular testing companies, class participants will be able to apply what they have learned in Basics I and II to their understanding of their own test results at This class reviews the tools and resources available through Ancestry DNA. While Basics I & II are recommended, they are not required prior to taking this class. Online class—webinar, Manning/Luce.
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Saturday, 9-Jan-21 at 1:00 PM. Advanced Genetic Genealogy--We will be reviewing the book Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies. We will start May 9th with Chapter 1, continuing to review one chapter a month through the year. Manning/Luce, Online class—webinar.
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