Friday, July 24, 2020

PGS Events for the week of 27 July - 1 August 2020

All scheduled classes are posted on the society website at (calendar tab). There is also information on using Zoom (Zoom Orientation tab).

Monday, 27-Jul-20 at 10:00 AM: Occupation Research--This class explores the world of ancestor occupations--what our ancestors did for a living, where to find that information, and what to do with it once found. Summers.

To join the meeting, follow this link:

If needed, Meeting ID: 873 2902 1856, Password: 2020  

Tuesday, 28-Jul-20 at 1:00 PM: DNA Interest Group--Learn how to interpret your DNA test results and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Manning, Luce 

To join the meeting, follow this link:

If needed, Meeting ID: 845 7492 9851 and Password is 2020.

Saturday, 1-Aug-20 at 10:00 AM: Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Bryan         

To join the meeting, follow this link:

If needed, Meeting ID: 567 524 039; Password: 2020

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