Monday, 13-Jan-20 at 6:00 PM. RootsMagic-1 This class explores the use of this popular genealogy software program. It consists of five classes, each 1 ½ hours long, held for five consecutive weeks. The intent is to take the student from the basics of initial entry of family information to the more detailed topics of incorporating images in your family history, citing sources, and generating various reports. The class will be most effective if all sessions are attended in order. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 14-Jan-20 at 6:00 PM. Family Tree Maker 2019 Basics--Part 1. A detailed explanation and demonstration of the many features of this most popular genealogy database program. It consists of five classes, each 1 ½ hours long, held for five consecutive weeks. The class will be most effective if all sessions are attended in order. Hahn, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 15-Jan-20 at 1:00 PM. FamilySearch Family Tree Interest Group. This class will explain and demonstrate how to use the powerful features of this universal family tree. Nerge, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 16-Jan-20 at 1:00 PM. Irish Genealogy Interest Group. Topics vary monthly. Customs and culture, review of online resources, strategies for breaking down walls. Members are given an opportunity to share their ancestor discoveries, their travels to Ireland, and topics of interest. Padgett, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Friday, 17-Jan-20 at 10:30 AM. German Genealogy Interest Group. This meeting will consist of two sessions.
- 10:30-12:00--Beginning German Genealogy
- 1:00-2:30--German migrations according to
Dietz, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 18-Jan-20 at 10:00 AM. Computers in Genealogy. This is a question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 18-Jan-20 at 11:00 AM. Program Meeting. “Genealogy Refresh: Genealogy Basics and Beyond” presented by Rue Lynn Galbraith, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 18-Jan-20 at 12:30 PM. Workshop Tour of the Genealogy Center. This tour will show the many genealogical research resources there. Summers Genealogy Center, Largo Library.
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