Monday, December 30, 2019

PGS Offers Special Program for Kids (10-17 years old) and Parents

Start Spring Break with a free family adventure at Largo Library!  On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, learn to create your family tree – together as a family!  This easy, step-by-step training on how to get into the exciting hobby of genealogy is great for the entire family (children ages 10-17 plus an adult).  The class runs from 1-4 p.m. and includes a tour of the Largo Library Genealogy Center.  Scouts can earn the genealogy merit badge.

Whether you have some experience or none, you and the children in your life will be introduced to a fun and educational hobby or career. All participants take home a useful notebook. 

Bring history alive with facts about real people within your own family!  Help the youngest generation in your family understand where they came from. Researching who came before keeps family members alive long after they are gone.

Mark your calendar now to start Spring Break week together.  To register for this exciting new class, email  <> listing the names of children (include ages), accompanying adult(s), and contact information
Sponsored by the Pinellas Genealogy Society.  

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