Monday, December 30, 2019

PGS Offers Special Program for Kids (10-17 years old) and Parents

Start Spring Break with a free family adventure at Largo Library!  On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, learn to create your family tree – together as a family!  This easy, step-by-step training on how to get into the exciting hobby of genealogy is great for the entire family (children ages 10-17 plus an adult).  The class runs from 1-4 p.m. and includes a tour of the Largo Library Genealogy Center.  Scouts can earn the genealogy merit badge.

Whether you have some experience or none, you and the children in your life will be introduced to a fun and educational hobby or career. All participants take home a useful notebook. 

Bring history alive with facts about real people within your own family!  Help the youngest generation in your family understand where they came from. Researching who came before keeps family members alive long after they are gone.

Mark your calendar now to start Spring Break week together.  To register for this exciting new class, email  <> listing the names of children (include ages), accompanying adult(s), and contact information
Sponsored by the Pinellas Genealogy Society.  

Sunday, December 29, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 30 December to 4 January 2020

Saturday, 4-Jan-20 at 10:00 AM--Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & answers and demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Bryan//Hosmer, Local History Room, Largo Library. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Listing for Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford, Connecticut Offered Online

You will find in excess of 32,000 names in this listing for the Cedar Hill Cemetery of Hartford, Connecticut. The cemetery was established in 1864.

Click on the link "Search Cemetery Records" to see the search form. Each entry in your hits list will have a link to an image of a cemetery may with the gave location indicated. Experiment with the map and it will reveal additional information such as everyone buried in a given lot.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 23-28 December 2019

There is only one event scheduled for this week.

Saturday, 28-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM: RootsMagic User Group. Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Listing for First Parish Church and Cemetery of York, Maine Available Online

This interment listing includes more than six thousand names. To start your search scroll down the landing page to the list of surname first letters. Click on your letter of choice for a list of names, and then click on an individual surname for a page of data devoted to that person.

Check it out at:

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SCott County, Iowa Cemetery Entries Online

Click on "Search the Index" on the landing page for a search form to handle all of the listed cemeteries at once. Or scroll down the landing page and click on any individual cemetery you wish to explore.

Friday, December 13, 2019

"The Ancestor Hunter" Blog Offers A Treasure of Record and Index links

The Ancestor Hunter Blog is one I have recommended several times in the past and do again now. It is an excellent stop on your research journey, especially for newspapers, obituaries, and birth/marriage/death records...and more.

Check it out at:

PGS Events for the Week of 16-21 December 2019

Monday, 16-Dec-19 at 1:00 PM--Maps in Genealogy Research-Even More. Maps can reveal much about the lives our ancestors led and the conditions under which they lived. They can also reveal hints on where to look for other important documents. There are many different types of maps available to the researcher, and this class deals with military, ward, topographical, plat, and railroad maps. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 18-Dec-19 at 1:00 PM--FamilySearch Family Tree Interest Group. This class will explain and demonstrate how to use the powerful features of this universal family tree. Nerge, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Thursday, 19-Dec-19 at 1:00 PM--Irish Genealogy Interest Group. This meeting's presentation will include a brief introduction to Largo Library's latest addition to online genealogy resources: FindMyPast and the records available for researching your Irish ancestors. A review of records. (Returning members please bring your FindMyPast resources list). County Fact Sheets available: Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford. Padgett, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Saturday, 21-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy. Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 21-Dec-19 t 11:00 AM--Program Meeting. Election of Officers and Holiday Party plus "Show & Tell." This is your chance to display some interesting things related to your family history research.  Activity: Might Our Ancestors Have Met?  Schuler, Jenkins B, Largo Library.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Michael John Neill's Tip of the Day--Establish Parameters

This "Tip of the Day" from one of Michael's earlier blog posts reminds us of how easy it is to get off track in our research, and how, by quickly establishing some search parameters, we can prevent some research errors.

Dorset, Vermont's Maple Hill Cemetery Database Online

Maple Hill Cemetery in Dorset, Vermont has burials as far back as 1772. This index of those burials can be searched by name. Be sure to read the instructions for using the search engine--search is for surname unless otherwise specified, at least two letters have to be entered, etc.

If you click on a name in your hit list, you will be given additional information as well as a map showing the grave location.

Check it out at:

Friday, December 6, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 9-14 December 2019

Monday, 9-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM--Census Timelines. This class focuses on analyzing groups of similar questions asked in different census years, thus creating a time line of your ancestors' responses; it also looks at the instructions given to census takers--if you understand the questions, you can better understand the answers. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday 11-Dec-19 at 2:30 PM--DNA-the Basics. Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company’s database. Instructor: Luce, Clearwater Public Library, 100 N. Osceola St., Clearwater.
Thursday, 12-Dec-19 at 10:15 AM--Library Catalog Searching for Genealogists. Libraries are a great place for finding genealogy resources. This class will show you how to find libraries and archives that can help you in your search, how to get the most from catalog searches, and discover other helpful resources available through online catalogs. Fortin, Local History Room, Largo Library.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Washington State Historical Newspapers online

The Washington Secretary of State and the Washington State Library offer us more than twenty online, searchable state newspapers. You can search individual newspapers in the collection or all of the papers at once. There is an option for an advanced search as well as a special filter for a name search.

The newspapers were published in the mid- to late-1800 time frame.

Check it out at:

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Riley County, Kansas Cemetery Records Online

Thanks  to the Riley County Genealogy Society, over thirty Riley County cemetery records are available online.

The landing page lists each of the cemeteries and provides a link to and alphabetical list of persons buried there. At the top of the landing page is a search form that allows you to search all of the cemeteries at once. An icon to the left of the names on your search results will take you to a more detailed record.