Monday, 22-Apr-19 at 6:00 PM--Newspapers Online in Genealogy. This class will explore the genealogy data to be found in newspapers (obituaries, weddings, human interest stories, etc.) and show where to find the online repositories and how to use them. Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 23-Apr-19 at 11:00 AM--Genealogy and DNA: The Basics. Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company’s database. Instructor: Manning, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 23-Apr-19 at 1:00 PM--DNA Interest Group: Learn how to interpret your DNA test results, and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Instructor: Manning, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Friday, 26-Apr-19 at 10:15 AM--Franco-American Discussion Group--Geographic areas include: Europe (primarily France, but not limited to France)-Eastern Canada (primarily Quebec, some Ontario, but including the Acadians of the Maritime Provinces)-USA (Central North America and New England, also Louisiana and the surrounding Southern states). Instructor: Grandmaison, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 27-Apr-19 at 10:00 AM--RootsMagic User Group. Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program, Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
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