Friday, March 15, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 17-23 March 2019

Monday, 18-Mar-19 at 10:00 AM--Ancestry Family Trees – Part 1. Publishing your tree on can be a great way to share your research with others, as well as to provide a backup for your work. This presentation covers how to start a family tree on, and how to maintain it. That includes working with people, events, images, and sources. Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 19-Mar-19 at 6:00 class will demonstrate how to search the vast databases available on this rapidly-expanding site made available from the LDS (Mormon) genealogy collection. Instructor: Bryan, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 21-Mar-19 at 1:00--4:00 PM-- Irish Genealogy Interest Group Monthly Meeting: Celebrating Ireland. Members will share their travel videos with an Irish-inspired pot luck lunch. Movie following: the Irish-American classic, "The Quiet Man" with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. Pot Luck Lunch RSVP Instructor: Padgett, Jenkins B. Largo Library.
Friday, 22-Mar-19 at 10:30 AM—German Genealogy Interest Group-David Dellinger will be speaking about the research and process involved in writing a book, the Peasant Kings, based on his German immigrant ancestors. David a former president of PGS and editor of the PGS journal, past secretary of Florida State Genealogical Society, and author of numerous articles, not only on his family research but linguistics. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 23-Mar-19 at 10:00 AM--RootsMagic User Group Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.

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