Monday, December 30, 2019

PGS Offers Special Program for Kids (10-17 years old) and Parents

Start Spring Break with a free family adventure at Largo Library!  On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, learn to create your family tree – together as a family!  This easy, step-by-step training on how to get into the exciting hobby of genealogy is great for the entire family (children ages 10-17 plus an adult).  The class runs from 1-4 p.m. and includes a tour of the Largo Library Genealogy Center.  Scouts can earn the genealogy merit badge.

Whether you have some experience or none, you and the children in your life will be introduced to a fun and educational hobby or career. All participants take home a useful notebook. 

Bring history alive with facts about real people within your own family!  Help the youngest generation in your family understand where they came from. Researching who came before keeps family members alive long after they are gone.

Mark your calendar now to start Spring Break week together.  To register for this exciting new class, email  <> listing the names of children (include ages), accompanying adult(s), and contact information
Sponsored by the Pinellas Genealogy Society.  

Sunday, December 29, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 30 December to 4 January 2020

Saturday, 4-Jan-20 at 10:00 AM--Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & answers and demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Bryan//Hosmer, Local History Room, Largo Library. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Listing for Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford, Connecticut Offered Online

You will find in excess of 32,000 names in this listing for the Cedar Hill Cemetery of Hartford, Connecticut. The cemetery was established in 1864.

Click on the link "Search Cemetery Records" to see the search form. Each entry in your hits list will have a link to an image of a cemetery may with the gave location indicated. Experiment with the map and it will reveal additional information such as everyone buried in a given lot.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 23-28 December 2019

There is only one event scheduled for this week.

Saturday, 28-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM: RootsMagic User Group. Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Listing for First Parish Church and Cemetery of York, Maine Available Online

This interment listing includes more than six thousand names. To start your search scroll down the landing page to the list of surname first letters. Click on your letter of choice for a list of names, and then click on an individual surname for a page of data devoted to that person.

Check it out at:

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

SCott County, Iowa Cemetery Entries Online

Click on "Search the Index" on the landing page for a search form to handle all of the listed cemeteries at once. Or scroll down the landing page and click on any individual cemetery you wish to explore.

Friday, December 13, 2019

"The Ancestor Hunter" Blog Offers A Treasure of Record and Index links

The Ancestor Hunter Blog is one I have recommended several times in the past and do again now. It is an excellent stop on your research journey, especially for newspapers, obituaries, and birth/marriage/death records...and more.

Check it out at:

PGS Events for the Week of 16-21 December 2019

Monday, 16-Dec-19 at 1:00 PM--Maps in Genealogy Research-Even More. Maps can reveal much about the lives our ancestors led and the conditions under which they lived. They can also reveal hints on where to look for other important documents. There are many different types of maps available to the researcher, and this class deals with military, ward, topographical, plat, and railroad maps. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 18-Dec-19 at 1:00 PM--FamilySearch Family Tree Interest Group. This class will explain and demonstrate how to use the powerful features of this universal family tree. Nerge, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Thursday, 19-Dec-19 at 1:00 PM--Irish Genealogy Interest Group. This meeting's presentation will include a brief introduction to Largo Library's latest addition to online genealogy resources: FindMyPast and the records available for researching your Irish ancestors. A review of records. (Returning members please bring your FindMyPast resources list). County Fact Sheets available: Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford. Padgett, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Saturday, 21-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy. Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 21-Dec-19 t 11:00 AM--Program Meeting. Election of Officers and Holiday Party plus "Show & Tell." This is your chance to display some interesting things related to your family history research.  Activity: Might Our Ancestors Have Met?  Schuler, Jenkins B, Largo Library.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Michael John Neill's Tip of the Day--Establish Parameters

This "Tip of the Day" from one of Michael's earlier blog posts reminds us of how easy it is to get off track in our research, and how, by quickly establishing some search parameters, we can prevent some research errors.

Dorset, Vermont's Maple Hill Cemetery Database Online

Maple Hill Cemetery in Dorset, Vermont has burials as far back as 1772. This index of those burials can be searched by name. Be sure to read the instructions for using the search engine--search is for surname unless otherwise specified, at least two letters have to be entered, etc.

If you click on a name in your hit list, you will be given additional information as well as a map showing the grave location.

Check it out at:

Friday, December 6, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 9-14 December 2019

Monday, 9-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM--Census Timelines. This class focuses on analyzing groups of similar questions asked in different census years, thus creating a time line of your ancestors' responses; it also looks at the instructions given to census takers--if you understand the questions, you can better understand the answers. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday 11-Dec-19 at 2:30 PM--DNA-the Basics. Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company’s database. Instructor: Luce, Clearwater Public Library, 100 N. Osceola St., Clearwater.
Thursday, 12-Dec-19 at 10:15 AM--Library Catalog Searching for Genealogists. Libraries are a great place for finding genealogy resources. This class will show you how to find libraries and archives that can help you in your search, how to get the most from catalog searches, and discover other helpful resources available through online catalogs. Fortin, Local History Room, Largo Library.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Washington State Historical Newspapers online

The Washington Secretary of State and the Washington State Library offer us more than twenty online, searchable state newspapers. You can search individual newspapers in the collection or all of the papers at once. There is an option for an advanced search as well as a special filter for a name search.

The newspapers were published in the mid- to late-1800 time frame.

Check it out at:

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Riley County, Kansas Cemetery Records Online

Thanks  to the Riley County Genealogy Society, over thirty Riley County cemetery records are available online.

The landing page lists each of the cemeteries and provides a link to and alphabetical list of persons buried there. At the top of the landing page is a search form that allows you to search all of the cemeteries at once. An icon to the left of the names on your search results will take you to a more detailed record.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 2-7 December 2019

Tuesday, 3-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM--Census: Non-Population Schedules   Most of us are familiar with the population schedules of the US Census. But there is a wealth of information about our families in other schedules that were created in certain census years. This class identifies what those other schedules are (Agricultural, Mortality, DDD, etc.), what information can be found in them, and where they can be located today. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 5-Dec-19 at 1:00 PM--Maps in Genealogy Research-Part 1. Maps can reveal much about the lives our ancestors led and the conditions under which they lived. They can also reveal hints on where to look for other important documents. There are many different types of maps available to the researcher, and this class deals with road, city, political, insurance, and migration maps. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 7-Dec-19 at 10:00 AM--Family Tree Maker User Group. Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Bryan//Hosmer, Local History Room, Largo Library.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Florida State Genealolgical Society (FSGS) Virtual DNA Conference on 7 December 2019

Follow this link for more information:




A one-of-a-kind opportunity! Learn from 5 top experts!
Join the Florida State Genealogical Society's Fall Virtual DNA Conference and advance your genealogy research skills without having to leave home.

All you need is an Internet connection and curiosity.

Ask the experts and put genetic genealogy to work for you!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Clearwater Historical Society's December Vintage Market on 7 December 2019

Clearwater Historical Society’s December

Vintage Market

The former Clearwater City Players theatre troupe’s one-of-a-kind clothing, costumes and props will be offered at the Clearwater Historical Society Museum’s Vintage Market 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, December 7 in downtown Clearwater. 
Donated to the Clearwater Historical Society, the extensive collection of wearables, dress-up, day clothes, gowns and uniforms, as well as accessories, hats and costumes from Clearwater City Players productions are a treasure trove for buyers and a unique fundraiser for the Society.
Parking is available at the south entrance of the museum at the intersection on S. Fort Harrison and N. Hamilton Crescent or at the lot on Turner Street across from First United Methodist Church. Handicapped parking is available along Mulberry Alley, between the museum and First United Methodist Church.
A special Preview Night on 6 – 8 p.m. December 6 offers buyers a first peek and purchase. Refreshments available.  Admission is a $20 donation.  Buy tickets online from Eventbrite or at the event.  Check in with Facebook @ClearwaterHistoricalSociety for updates. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 25-30 November 2019

Monday, 25-Nov-19 at 10:00 AM--LOYALISTS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION – Who were the Loyalists, and how were they affected by the outcome of the war? Were they rewarded for their loyalty to the British crown, and if so, in what manner? Get the answer to these questions and more, including what records may exist and where they might be found. Instructor: Summers. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 26-Nov-19 at 11:00 AM--DNA Basics for Genealogy. Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company’s database. Instructor: Manning. Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 26-Nov-19 at 1:00 PM--DNA Interest Group: Learn how to interpret your DNA test results and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Instructor: Manning. Jenkins A, Largo Library.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

New York Slavery Records Index Available Oline

This site can be a great resource for those doing African American and slave-related research. It gives us records of enslaved persons as well as slave holders in New York from 1525 through the Civil War.

The landing page contains "must read" information about how to use the site, so bypass it at your own risk of missing something important.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Scotland Historical Tax Rolls Online

Here is a site for those of you who want to do some serious Scottish research. It gives of transcriptions of mostly 1700's Scottish tax rolls on a variety of things: property, windows, horses, etc.

The landing page gives you the name of the tax. Click on that and you will see a list of the titles of the appropriate volumes with a short description of the contents. Click on the volume of choice and your will be taken to a page where you can read the transcription of the volume contents. There is a search box in the top right of the volume page.

This is a rich resource and tax roll are only a small part of what it offers. Explore the tabs at the top of the landing pages before you leave the site.

PGS Events for the Week of 18-23 November 2019

Monday, 18-Nov-19 at 10:00 AM--Homestead Act-History and Records- A review of the historical and political significance of the 1862 Homestead Act and associated legislation. Includes a discussion of the process followed to establish a homestead on public domain land, and an understanding of the method of legally surveying and describing the land. The presentation will also cover an examination of the records that were created in establishing a homestead, their genealogical value, and where those records are found today. This is an in-depth treatment of the Homestead Act, which is briefly referred to in the presentation on property Research Basics in the US. Instructor: Summers.   Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 21-Nov-19 at 1:00 PM--Irish Genealogy Interest Group--Topics vary monthly. Customs and culture, review of online resources, strategies for breaking down walls. Members are given an opportunity to share their ancestor discoveries, their travels to Ireland, and topics of interest. Instructor: Cheri Adams, Jenkins C, Largo Library.
Saturday, 23-Nov-19 at 10:00 AM--RootsMagic User Group--Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Instructor: Summers. Local History Room, Largo Library.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

We Have the Power to Restore Photographs, but Should We?

James Tanner writing in his Blog, Genealogy's Star, offers us a "think piece" on "The Ethics of Photo Restoration." We are all familiar with the power of the many computer programs that allow us to clean up, colorize, and otherwise change original photos we unearth in our research. But are there limits to the changes we can or should make?

Check out James' thoughtful article here:

Friday, November 8, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 11-16 November 2019

Monday, 11-Nov-19 at 1:00 PM: FamilySearch Family Tree.  The class will demonstrate how to build a family tree using the free site,  Most importantly it will show how to deal with incorrect information in a shared environment and encourage family contacts. Instructor: Nerge. Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 12-Nov-19 at 6:00 PM: Facebook for Genealogy-- How to use this very popular social networking site for genealogy. Instructor: Summers.     Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 13-Nov-19 at 4:30 PM: Introduction to Genealogy. This presentation will discuss the basics of how to get started in researching your family history--what to do first and how to do it, where to look for information and mistakes to avoid. Instructor: Bryan, Clearwater Public Library 100 N. Osceola St., Clearwater.
Saturday, 16-Nov-19 at 10:00 AM: Computers in Genealogy--Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Instructor: Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 16-Nov-19 at 11:00 AM  Program Meeting--Lecture Series: “The National Road: America’s First Federal Highway.” There will be a break for lunch about 12:30 and the second lecture will begin about 1:15 p.m. “Exodusters: The Exodus of Freed Slaves to Kansas in the 1870s.” Presented by Annette Burke Lyttle, Jenkins B, Largo Library. 

Name Translations

Ever wonder what the foreign language equivalents are for a name you are researching? It is a handy thing to know, especially if you run into a brick documents William could be changed from William, etc.

This link will take you to a database of names translated into various languages. It is good for first names, but not so much for surnames.

Friday, November 1, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 4-9 November 2019

Tuesday, 5-Nov-19 at 10:00 AM: War With Spain-This class is an exploration of the causes, conflicts, and results of the United States’ war with Spain in 1898. In addition to the history of the conflict and its consequences, the types of records generated during the conflict will be discussed along with guidance on where to find those records. Instructor: Summers. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 7-Nov-19 at 1:00 PM:—This class will demonstrate how to search the vast databases available on this rapidly-expanding site made available from the LDS (Mormon) genealogy collection. Instructor: Bryan. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 9-Nov-19 at 12:00-4:00 PM: Family History Assistance Day-This semi-annual event has been held for 9 years and is directed toward helping beginners get started but anyone is welcome. Bring your "brick wall" and we will try to break it down for you! Genealogists from the Pinellas Genealogy Society will be on hand to help you find your ancestors.  Free, individual assistance will be provided to each person who attends.  Be sure to bring what you know (names, dates, places of birth, death, marriages, residence, etc.) concerning your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. We will help you find earlier generations. Instructors: Various PGS genealogists, Jenkins A, Largo Library
Saturday, 9-Nov-19 at 1:00 PM: DNA Drop-in:    Come by and let one of our DNA-savvy consultants assist you with some personalized, one-on-one help with your DNA questions. Instructor: Manning, et al., Jenkins C, Largo Library.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

PGS Family History Repository Provides Safe Harbor for Research

A few years ago, the Pinellas Genealogy Society in partnership with the Largo Public Library announced the formation of the Family History Repository. Its goal is to safeguard and make available to the public unpublished, original family history and genealogy research.

The FHR has been established to give researchers a place to harbor their work when they decide that they want to retire their research collection, or there is no family member who is able to continue the effort. In these cases, the FHR stands ready to accept the material.

Too often the efforts of researchers are neglected or destroyed when their personal involvement in the research ends due to shifting priorities, health, or other reasons. The FHR provides a place and a process where that research can live on. It is not a place to backup your research or to place your research with the intent of adding to it later. It aims to be a safe harbor for research that has run its course and will be lost if not protected here.

To be accepted, the material must be an original work product (family group sheets, pedigree charts, narratives, notes, etc.), it must be un-published, and the author or other authorized person must be willing to pass control of the material-al to PGS. The material should be organized by the donor, as meaningful organization by FHR volunteers is not possible. Although paper files are the focus of the repository, several different electronic formats can be acceptable on a case-by-case basis.

The donated material will be archived either in paper or converted to digital form, and made available to other researchers through the collection in the Genealogy Center of the Largo Public Library or the World Wide Web. if the material is digitized, the paper will be disposed of Since storage space is limited.

If you are in possession of research materials that you think would benefit from the services of the Family History Repository, get in touch with us at

Friday, October 25, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 28 October - 2 November 2019

Monday, 28-Oct-19 at 10:00 AM. Proving Your Facts--This class explains how to evaluate the evidence we collect as we build our family trees. Some sources are more reliable, some records bring us closer to the actual event, and some information is more “on point.” How do we rank all of this as we try to assemble genealogical “truth”? The class uses the “Genealogical Proof Standard” as the guide.  Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library,
Wednesday, 30-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM. Brick Walls—You will eventually reach a point where you seemingly can’t go back further on a particular line. This class will offer some ideas and suggestions for overcoming dead ends in your family history research.  Instructor: Bryan, Local History Room, Largo Library.
31-Oct-19  1:00 search techniques for getting the most from this huge collection of databases. Instructor: Bryan. Local History Room, Largo Library
Saturday, 2-Nov-19 at 10:00 AM. Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Instructor: Bryan-Hosmer. Local History Room, Largo Library.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nashua, New Hampshire Offers Online Burial Information for Two Cemeteries

Nashua, New Hampshire has an online index of the Woodlawn and Edgewood cemeteries available. You can search by first name, last name, and date of burial. Both cemeteries are over one hundred years old.

The hit list will provide name of the deceased, birth and death dates, marital status, and location of the grave within the cemetery. Click on the name of the cemetery to see a map of the facility.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Book Available on Hathi Trust Gives Unique Information

This book published by the US Government in 1973 is titled "Foreign Versions, Variations,
and Diminutives of English Names; Foreign Equivalents of United States Military and Civilian Titles."

The content is unique, to say the least, but can be valuable depending on your research needs. It is fully readable online and can be downloaded as a PDF if you wish. If you wish, you can explore the Hathi Turst site and find similar titles published in different years.

Friday, October 18, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 21-26 October 2019

Monday, 21-Oct-19 at 10:00 AM-- Understanding Historical Causes of Death  -Death certificates are important resources when researching the lives of our ancestors. However, due to factors such as outdated terminology and the limits of medical knowledge in the past, it can be hard to interpret the causes of death given. This presentation examines some of those factors, and points to resources that can help you find out what your ancestors really died of. Instructor: Fortin, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 22-Oct-19 at 11:00 AM--DNA Basics for Genealogy. Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company’s database. Instructor: Manning. Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 22-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM--DNA Interest Group: Learn how to interpret your DNA test results, and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Instructor: Manning. Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Thursday, 24-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM--Census tracking--Probably the fundamental way of using the US Federal Census is to track ancestors from one census year to the next. In that process we seek to uncover relationships and lost or heretofore unknown ancestors. This class shows a strategy on how to do that, using an actual family as an example. In addition, it also shows how to uncover hints on using resources outside of the census itself. Instructor: Summers. Local History Room, Largo Library.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Two Searchable Cemetery Indexes for Amesbury, Massachusetts Online

Click on the link provided in the landing page to see the search form. You can search by name of the deceased, burial year, and veteran status. You can also search both of the cemeteries (Mt. Prospect and Union) at once, or individually.

Once you narrow down to your hit list, click on the person's name to see additional details.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

10 Things Happening With the Gulfport Historical Society in the Fall of 2019

This list of Gulfport happenings comes from the Gulfport Historical Society, which is one of our Organizational Partners.

10 Things Happening with the Gulfport Historical Society this fall

There's a LOT happening at the museum and in town, so we'll keep this brief — and, because we like lists, we're going to give you everything we have on offer, everything we need, and a special offer for new members in a listicle format. Herewith, our own version of a Top 10 list!

1. Our archivist/historian, Frank Verdino, has revamped the entire interior of the museum, so stop by and see us Tuesday, Friday or Saturday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.!
2. We have a new exhibit opening in November — Gulfport in Blue and Grey. The Civil War impacted Gulfport, but perhaps not how you'd think. Let us know to expect you at the 7 p.m. exhibit opening on Nov. 8. Are you a member? Please join us at the VIP reception Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.
3. We need more volunteers! Email us to tell us how you can help and we'll be sure to tell you how you can help (don't worry, we'll train you and it's a lot of fun!)
4. We also need help moving heavy things on Saturday, Oct. 19 in the afternoon. Can you help? Email us and let us know!
5. We're looking for people who like to tell stories, because we need more tour guides! Can you tell stories — and do you enjoy it? Email us for details!
6. We have a great porch party happening Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. — Gary Monroe will speak about Florida's self-taught artists. Gary is an expert on The Highwaymen, Barnhill, and other great Florida talents, so if you're at all interested in art, this is the talk for you! It's free, but please let us know you're coming!
7. If you want more of Gary, we're hosting an intimate Behind the Lens brunch with him on Saturday, Oct. 19 at the museum. In addition to being an expert on Florida artists, Gary's exhibited his own Florida photography far and wide, so if you're a photo-minded person, this is the brunch for you. Yes, we can accommodate special diets, so don't let that stop you. Members get a discount, but anyone can come — register for the brunch with Gary here!
8. Our haunted walking tours are in full swing — we have plenty of tours planned for October (it's kind of our month) and remember, members — you get these trips for free. What are you waiting for? Register for a haunted walking tour for free!
9. We have a fantastic trip for members planned — and to keep the costs low, we're joining forces with OLLI at Eckerd. What's the trip? It's an inside look at the history and culture of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. The trip includes two meals, an air-conditioned, wi-fi enabled, bus ride down and back, and (double occupancy) lodging at the Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood. If you came to our Egmont Key porch party, you won't want to miss this trip. We have 10 spots available, so you can sign up here (Eckerd College is offering 10 of our members the discounted OLLI at Eckerd member rate.) This trip to the Seminole Tribe of Florida is sure to change the way you view Florida's Indian history — and the Seminole people.
10. If you've been thinking about upgrading your membership, have we got a great thank you gift — join at the Mullet Circle level or higher, and we'll pay your way on that overnight trip to the Big Cypress Reservation in South Florida. Again, that's a night at the Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood, two meals, transportation, admission to the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki, and a life-changing experience. That's a $345 thank you gift — because you're worth it!

We're really excited about what's happening at the museum, and we can't do it without your help! Please join us at an event and, as always, we appreciate donations of any size.

Happy October!

Cathy Salustri, president, Gulfport Historical Society

Saturday, October 12, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 14-19 October 2019

Tuesday, 15-Oct-19 at 10:00 AM--Documenting Your Sources-An introduction on the content of proper source citations. Using modern genealogy programs to enter citations will also be covered (Roots Magic, and Family Tree Maker will be addressed). Instructor: Summers. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 16-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM--Irish Genealogy Interest Group. Topics vary monthly. Customs and culture, review of online resources, strategies for breaking down walls. Members are given an opportunity to share their ancestor discoveries, their travels to Ireland, and topics of interest. Instructor: Commons. Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 16-Oct-19 at 6:00 PM--Was Your Ancestor Accused of Being a Witch? Exploring the Colonial New England Witchcraft Trials--We have been fascinated by the stories of the New England witchcraft trials, particularly those in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, for hundreds of years. This presentation will explore what happened and what our ancestors believed and try to explain why these events took place. Instructor: Fortin, Clearwater Public Library 100 N. Osceola St., Clearwater
Wednesday, 16-Oct-19 at 6:00 PM--Who Do You Think You Are? Brief presentation introducing genealogy, especially tailored for local community groups. Instructor: Bryan. St. Brendan's CC, 145 Dory Passage, Clearwater.
Thursday, 17-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM--Internet Genealogy for beginning genealogists introduces a strategy for using the internet in genealogy research. It presents examples of the different types of websites that can aid in research and highlights the top 3 or 4 that are “musts” on everyone’s favorites list. Instructor: Bryan, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 18-Oct-19 at 10:30 AM--German Genealogy Interest Group. This meeting of the German Genealogy Interest Group will feature a talk by Lea Rummler on German customs and much more. Lea was born in Germany and has had wide experience in teaching and translating German into English. Don’t miss this interesting and informative presentation! Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 19-Oct-19 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy. Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Instructor: Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 19-Oct-19 at 11:00 AM--Program Meeting--Records from the Indian Wars. There were six major Indian wars in the southeastern U. S. that left genealogically significant records. This lecture briefly discusses each of the Indian wars and then uses examples to describe each of the record types generated by the wars. Learn where to find the records in online, microfilm, and print resources, for these and other conflicts. Speaker: Jack Butler, Jenkins B, Largo Library.

Friday, October 4, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 7-12 October 2019

Tuesday, 8-Oct-19 at 10:00 AM. Occupation Research-This class explores the world of ancestor occupations--what our ancestors did for a living, where to find that information, and what to do with it once found. Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Public Library.
Thursday, 10-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM. Six Key Records in Genealogy Research-- This is a class aimed primarily at beginning genealogists. It identifies six records that are a must for early concentration in research. It identifies what those records are, why they are so important, and where they can be found. Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 12-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM. DNA Drop-in: Come by and let one of our DNA-savvy consultants assist you with some personalized, one-on-one help with your DNA questions. Instructor: Manning, et al, Jenkins C, Largo Library.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Clearwater Historical Society (CHS) Museum and Cultural Center Seeks Volunteers

The newly opened Clearwater Historical Society (CHS) Museum and Cultural Center in downtown Clearwater seeks volunteers to serve as museum docents and historical character interpreters.

Museum docents start out staffing a reception desk and can learn more about the museum to gain the ability to lead tours. Character interpreters portray real-life people who helped build Clearwater and are costumed for their era. Other exciting volunteer roles are also available, including outreach ambassadors, artifact entry, event hosts, and special projects.

To learn more, come to the museum during normal hours, visit and click on the Volunteer tab, email or call (727) 754-8019.

Clearwater Historical Society (CHS) Museum and Cultural Center is located at 610 S Fort Harrison Ave, Clearwater, FL 33756 and is open Thursday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is free.  Donations gratefully accepted.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Annual Family History Festival on 26 October 2019 at Tampa's John F. Germany Public Library

The Famly History Festival will take place on Saturday, October 26 from 10:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at the John F. Germany Public Library, 900 N. Ashley Drive, Tampa 33602. As usual, a variety of societies will host tables for a meet and greet, including your own PGS. VIVID-PIX photo editing software will host a table as well. 

Coffee will be provided in the morning as well as  a light lunch.  As usual, the festival is free and open to the public.  Please help spread the word.

Friday, September 27, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 30 September to 5 October 2019

PGS is offering a Beginning Genealogy Series of six classes starting Thursday, 3 Oct at 1:00 PM and continuing for the next five Thursdays at the same time. This will be an excellent opportunity for new researchers to get a good start and for more accomplished genealogists to brush up on the basics. Be sure to invite friends who are interested in genealogy to attend.
Monday, 30-Sep-19 at 10:00 AM. Dead Men Do Tell Tales--Reconstructing life in a community using death certificates. Death certificates can tell us a lot about how our ancestors lived and died. When looked at as a group they can also tell us about life and death in their communities. This presentation focuses on an analysis of death certificates from Attleboro, Massachusetts over a five-year period, and shows how they can provide us with a window into the lives of the people who lived there. Instructor: Fortin, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 3-Oct-19 at 1:00 PM--Introduction to Genealogy  (Beginner) --Basics of how to get started in researching your family history—what to do first, where to look & how to do it. Instructor: Bryan, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 5-Oct-19 at 10:00 AM. Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Instructor: Bryan-Hosmer. Local History Room, Largo Library.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Free National Archives Genealogy Fair Broadcast on You Tube on 23 Oct. 2019

This annual event is free and can be viewed on You Tube as it happens, and the video recordings will be available after the live event as well.

For schedule and handouts see:

Sunday, September 22, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 23-28 September 2019

Tuesday, 24-Sep-19 at 11:00 AM--DNA Basics for Genealogy. Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company?s database. Instructor: Manning-Luce, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 24-Sep-19 at 1:00 PM--DNA Interest Group: Learn how to interpret your DNA test results, and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Instructor: Manning-Luce. Jenkins A, Largo Library.
27-Sep-19  10:15 AM—CANCELLED. The Franco-American Discussion Group previously scheduled is cancelled due to the death of the instructor, Charlie Grandmaison.
Saturday, 28-Sep-19 at 10:00 AM--RootsMagic User Group--Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Blaine Bettinger Explores an mtDNA Possibility: "I Don't Match My Mother!"

This post is for those of you who are exploring your mtDNA. Blaine Bettinger (The Genetic Genealogist)  gives us an article titled Heteroplasmies and Poly-Cytosine Stretches - An mtDNA Case Study. It is not for the feint of heart in that it is rather technical, but Blaine gives lots of charts and examples to get us through it.

It explores a case in which a person's mtDNA does not match that of his mother!

Check it out at:

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lake County Public Library, Indiana Provides Genealogy Databases Online

The Lake County Public Library offers us online indexes of obituaries (from 1921), marriages and deaths (1857-1938), and births (1931-1938). The sources are various local newspapers.

The listing is an index only. Instructions are on the landing page for requesting actual copies.

Friday, September 13, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 16-21 September 2019

Monday, 16-Sep-19 at 6:00 PM--Brick Walls. You will eventually reach a point where you seemingly can’t go back further on a particular line. This class will offer some ideas and suggestions for overcoming dead ends in your family history research. Instructor: Bryan, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 19-Sep-19 at 1:00 PM--Irish Genealogy Interest Group. Topics vary monthly. Customs and culture, review of online resources, strategies for breaking down walls. Members are given an opportunity to share their ancestor discoveries, their travels to Ireland, and topics of interest. Instructor: Commons, Jenkins C, Largo Library.
Saturday, 21-Sep-19 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy. Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Instructor: Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 21-Sep-19 at 11:00 AM--Program Meeting. Maximizing Your Research on the adds millions of new images to its website each month. Most are initially not indexed. This session demonstrates how access and search the indexed records, and how to work with the browsable images to locate your ancestors’ records. This session also explains informational resources at the new FamilySearch, and shows you how to get help. Speaker: George Morgan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.

Park Ridge, Illinois Area Obituaries Online

Park Ridge, Illinois is a suburb of Chicago. Its public library is host to a collection of over 29,000 obituaries taken from local papers from 1929 to the present. The listing can be browsed or searched.

What you see is an index only. To see the actual obituary you must visit the library. For questions, the number is 847-825-3123.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Spencer, Iowa City Cemetery Listings Available Online

Scroll down to the bottom of the landing page to find links to listings for Riverside and North Lawn Cemeteries in Spencer, Iowa.

In both instances you will be taken to an interactive map. Double click to zoom in progressively on the map until you finally get burial information for a specific plot. If  you don't know the grave location, you can do a name search. When you click on a name in your hit list, you are taken to the location of the grave and presented with record information.

Friday, September 6, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 9-14 September 2019

Monday, 9-Sep-19 at 10:00 AM. search techniques for getting the most from this huge collection of databases. Instructor: Bryan. Local History Room, Largo Library
Saturday, 14-Sep-19 at 1:00 PM: DNA Tests by have my results, what's next? This is a basic DNA class that provides strategies and techniques for using your Ancestry DNA results to find new relatives and discover keys to the past. Bring your laptop if you like but it is not required. If you do, bring your Ancestry login and password! Drop in from 2:00-4:00 or stay after the class for one-on-one assistance with your personal DNA questions. Instructor: Luce, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Save the date for an upcoming event: Family History Assistance Day will be 9 Nov 2019 from noon-4:00 pm in Jenkins A, Largo Library. Be sure to invite your friends who are interested in getting started and come yourself for some one-on-one help.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Palatine German Research Trove at "Awesome Genealogy"

The Blog Awesome Genealogy - Life in the Past Lane, gives us a post dealing with researching the Palatine Germans. These are Germans from the Palatinate Region who came to North America roughly in the mid-1700's.

The post starts with an article for historical background and is filled with links for further research.

Check it out at:

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tips for Beginning Swedish Genealogy

This article comes from Paul Woodbury, a Legacy Tree Genealogist, writing in Lisa Louise Cooke's Blog, "Genealogy Gems."

Paul offers five tips and provides several links to other resources.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Brown County, Texas Cemetery Indexes Available Online

Thanks to the Pecan Valley Genealogical Society, we can see listings for the cemeteries of Brown County, Texas. The display as a good one, listing over 75 area cemeteries. To see a listing, click on the name of the cemetery listed in the table on the landing page.

Check it out at:

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Elmwood Cemetery Directory in Flora, Illinois Available Online.

Flora, Clay County, Illinois is home to the Elmwood Cemetery which saw its first burial in 1853. The burials include some 770 veterans.

The landing page provides a link to download a Microsoft Word document containing the list of burials. Further exploration of the landing page will reveal several veteran-oriented databases that may be of interest to you.

PGS Events for the Week of 26-31 August 2019

Monday, 26-Aug-19 at 10:00 AM Local and County Histories are often overlooked resources that can contain a wealth of resources on your ancestors and the places that they lived. This presentation explores the background of local and county history books; what information can be found in them; and, where to find them, both in print and online. Instructor: Fortin. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 27-Aug-19 at 11:00 AM--DNA Basics for Genealogy. Learn about the types of DNA tests used for genealogy and popular testing companies. We compare the benefits of each type of test and each company's database. Instructor: Manning, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Tuesday, 27-Aug-19 at 1:00 PM—DNA Interest Group: Learn how to interpret your DNA test results, and apply those results to your current family history research. Join our casual group as we research and learn together. Instructor: Manning-Luce, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 28-Aug-19 at 1:00 PM--FamilySearch Family Tree.  The class will demonstrate how to build a family tree using the free  Most importantly it will show how to deal with incorrect information in a shared environment and encourage family contacts.  Instructor: Nerge, Jenkins A, Largo Library.
Friday, 30-Aug-19 at 10:30 AM--German Genealogy Interest Group. A roundtable discussion regarding techniques to find your German ancestry, questions and answers, handouts. Instructor: Dietz, Local History Room, Largo Library.
More stuff of interest:
The Franco-American Discussion Group meetings have been cancelled for the coming months of Sep-Oct-Nov. Charlie Grandmaison passed away and we have no one to lead the group.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Loveland, Colorado Cemetery Records Available Online

A database of burials at Lakeside Burial Park and Loveland Burial Park in Loveland, Colorado is available online. The Lakeside Cemetery was founded in 1880, followed in 1912 by the Loveland Cemetery.

Click on the link titled "I Want To..." located in the upper left corner of the landing page. You will be presented with several options to search and view the Burial Park and burial information.

Friday, August 16, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 19 - 24 August 2019

Tuesday, 20-Aug-19 at 10:00 AM--Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): History and Research.The CCC was a major governmental program of the New Deal that sought to employ millions of destitute young men of the Depression Era. Although the term “CCC” is usually recognized, few specifics are generally known about the program. This presentation recounts the history and accomplishments of the CCC, as well as characteristics of the corps members and camp life. It will also explore where records can be found and how to order them if needed. Instructor: Summers.  Local History Room, Largo Library
24-Aug-19  10:00 AM   RootsMagic User Group--Questions and answers and demonstrations of how to use the RootsMagic genealogy database software program. Instructor: Summers. Local History Room, Largo Library.

African American Funeral Program Collection Expanded at Augusta, Georgia Public Library

The Eula M. Ramsey Johnson Memorial Funeral Program Collection at the Augusta-Richmond County Public System has added over 10,000 pages of funeral programs. The collection offers over 3,000 African American funeral programs spanning the period 1933 to 2017.

Check it out at:

Monday, August 12, 2019

Online Data at the City Archives of Victoria, British Columbia

The city of Victoria, British Columbia offers a number of resources through their city archives. Take your time and browse the links provided on the landing page.

In particular, scroll to the bottom of the landing page for links to Ross Bay cemetery records, death notices, and marriage notices.

Friday, August 9, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 12-17 August 2019

Monday, 12-Aug-19 at 10:00 AM.Civil War Ancestors: Presents a strategy for tracing your Civil War Ancestors. Examines both state and national records, and both print and digital formats. The emphasis in the digital world is websites that are free and accessible from home. Instructor: Summers. Local History Room, Largo Library.
Saturday, 17-Aug-19 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy:Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Instructor: Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 17-Aug-19 at 11:00 AM--Program Meeting: Not in the Census? Try Again--Not everyone recorded in a census is easy to find on first inspection. In this session, attendees will learn tips and techniques to locate those ancestors who require additional effort. The session will cover a quick bit of U.S., UK, and Canadian census history; the idea that some individuals were counted two or more times in the same census, or sometimes entirely missed; and the pitfalls of enumeration, transcription, and indexing, Attendees will learn some clever searching techniques beyond the obvious methods; how to find individuals who are not where they are expected to be; and how to use browsing instead of searching for the tough situations. Speaker: Drew Smith, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 17-Aug-19 at 12:30 PM--Workshop tour of the Genealogy Center showing the many genealogical research resources there. Instructor: Summers., Genealogy Center, Largo Library.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Irish Research - Recognize When You May Need Help

Lisa Louise Cooke interviews Kate Eakman, Professional Genealogist specializing in Irish genealogy at Legacy Tree Genealogists to get tips on getting started with your Irish research and when you may need professional help

Check it out at:

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

"Walk-in DNA Assistance the Second Saturday of Each Month

Denise Manning and Susan Luce are offering a walk-in DNA help session on the second Saturday of each month from 1-4.  Since they already have the DNA for adoptees class scheduled for this Saturday (10 Aug) at 1, they will provide that one on one assistance as soon as the class is over...about 2:15.  Come join them--they would love to work with you.  They will be in the Jenkins Room A!

Saturday, August 3, 2019

PGS Events for the Week of 5-10 August 2019

Monday, 5-Aug-19 at 10:00 AM. Genealogical Numbering Systems—explore different ways of showing relationships in family histories, and understanding ancestor and descendant reports in your genealogy program. Instructor: Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.

Saturday, 10-Aug-19 at 1:00 PM--DNA for Adoptees --Strategies to find birth families. This class is for those that have taken the DNA Basic class and are ready to explore ways to use DNA to help find birth families.  You need to have a good understanding of general genealogical research strategies and databases such as and search engines and be familiar with your DNA testing company's products and tools.
Drop in from 2:00-4:00 or stay after the class for one-on-one assistance with your personal DNA questions.

Instructor: Manning-Luce, Jenkins A, Largo Library.