Friday, January 22, 2016

Help Out With the Memorial Park Cemetery Canvas

Join us Monday  at 10:00 am as we continue to canvas Memorial Park Cemetery. Bring your digital camera and sun protection.    Note the change in the start time.  We will be starting at  10:00am  for the remainder of the winter, since it appears to have finally cooled off.  .

Brooms are provided, but you may wish to bring your own gardening gloves, etc .  Water and other refreshments will be provided.  Wear your PGS shirts if you have one.  

Look for us in Division E.  This section is located a bit south of the center of the south half of cemetery (south of 54th Avenue North).
FYI,  here is the schedule for January and February 2016:

We have dropped the Saturday sessions, but speak up it your job makes that the only day of the week you can join us and we will re-institute Saturday sessions.

Monday, January 25th

Monday, February, 1st
Monday, February, 8th
Monday, February, 29th

WHEN:    10:00am - 12:30pm

WHERE:  5750 49th Street North, St. Petersburg (at the  intersection of 49th Street North and 54th Avenue North, west side).  Google "memorial park cemetery st petersburg fl" for a map.

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