MooseRoots is a genealogy search engine that has some unique aspects you may find interesting. You can search various categories of records (census, birth, marriage, immigration, etc.) and the engine will provide returns from FamilySearch and other sites as well. It is always nice to have a different search capability that may scour parts of the Internet you usually do not get to.
The information found is presented in a unique way on this site. As you scroll down the page of your search person and go past the data found, the site gives you additional information such as a timeline for your person, the meaning of his/her name, the overall popularity of the name as well as popularity by state, and more.
Check it out at: MooseRoots | A Genealogy Research Engine:
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Monday, November 30, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
LLoyd's Register of Ships Online
Here is a resource for those of you looking for ship information relative to an immigrant ancestor. It is a digitized collection of many of the volumes of Lloyd's Register of Ships.
Scroll down the landing page a bit and you will see a table of publication years ranging back to 1764, and up to the early 1900's or so. Most of the dates in the table are hotlinks to the actual publication.
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Scroll down the landing page a bit and you will see a table of publication years ranging back to 1764, and up to the early 1900's or so. Most of the dates in the table are hotlinks to the actual publication.
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Thursday, November 26, 2015
PGS Events for the Week of 27 November to 2 December 2015
Tuesday, 1-Dec-2015 at 6:00 techniques for getting the most from this huge collection of databases. Bryan, Local History Room, Largo Library
Wednesday, 2-Dec-2015 at 10:00 AM--Brick Walls—You will eventually reach a point where you seemingly can’t go back further on a particular line. This class will offer some ideas and suggestions for overcoming dead ends in your family history research. Bryan, Local History Room, Largo Library
Thursday, 3-Dec-2015 at 10:30 AM--Immigration Records and Ships Passenger Lists-How to use them. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library
Friday, 4-Dec-2015 at 10:00 AM--Franco-American Discussion Group. Geographic areas include: Europe (primarily France, but not limited to France)-Eastern Canada (primarily Quebec, some Ontario, but including the Acadians of the Maritime Provinces)-USA (Central North America and New England, also Louisiana and the surrounding Southern states). Grandmaison, Local History Room, Largo Library
Saturday, 5-Dec-2015 at 10:00 AM--Family Tree Maker User Group--Questions & Answers and Demonstration of how to use the Family Tree Maker genealogical database software. Hosmer/Bryan, Jenkins C, Largo Library.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Catholic Parish Registers at the National Library of Ireland
Here is a unique resource for those with Irish ancestry.
On the landing page you can use the search bar to enter the name of a parish, or you can use the map by scrolling down the page a bit. Click on county you are interested in and it will expand to she Dioceses. Click on a Diocese to get further information and then click on the Diocese name in the popup box. You will be taken to view-able microfilm of the register(s).
There are a variety of controls to play with. You cannot search by name, but you can narrow your search by selecting the type of event (eg baptism) you are interested in, the year, and the month. There is a download and print capability.
Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI:
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On the landing page you can use the search bar to enter the name of a parish, or you can use the map by scrolling down the page a bit. Click on county you are interested in and it will expand to she Dioceses. Click on a Diocese to get further information and then click on the Diocese name in the popup box. You will be taken to view-able microfilm of the register(s).
There are a variety of controls to play with. You cannot search by name, but you can narrow your search by selecting the type of event (eg baptism) you are interested in, the year, and the month. There is a download and print capability.
Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI:
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Saturday, November 21, 2015
Search genealogy resources at Live Roots
Here is a genealogy search engine that may be of value in your research. Enter a keyword or surname and you get two hit lists: one for surname results, and the other for resource results. The site gives these explanations:
"Surname Results -- Based on the keywords you enter, the search engine will check to see if any of them are surnames. For any surnames it finds, it will check the following three surname-based resources: (1) the Live Roots index, which contains names indexed from a variety of resources in the catalog; (2) the Transcribed Ephemera collection from Genealogy Today, which includes such free collections as the Funeral Card Images and WW2 War Ration Books; and (3) the Subscription Data service called Family Tree Connection, which contains information transcribed from a variety of smaller resources. After you complete a surname search and click one of the surname result links, you will have the option to narrow the search by first name, year and/or location.
Search genealogy resources at Live Roots:
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"Surname Results -- Based on the keywords you enter, the search engine will check to see if any of them are surnames. For any surnames it finds, it will check the following three surname-based resources: (1) the Live Roots index, which contains names indexed from a variety of resources in the catalog; (2) the Transcribed Ephemera collection from Genealogy Today, which includes such free collections as the Funeral Card Images and WW2 War Ration Books; and (3) the Subscription Data service called Family Tree Connection, which contains information transcribed from a variety of smaller resources. After you complete a surname search and click one of the surname result links, you will have the option to narrow the search by first name, year and/or location.
"Resource Results -- The search engine will compare the keywords you enter to the thousands of resources in the Live Roots catalog. These resources include such things as online transcriptions, books available for purchase, cemetery listings, offline resources and a wide range of web site pages. The search will compare the keywords to those in the titles and descriptions of the resource listing. This search does NOT search the records within the resources unless they have been included in the Live Roots index mentioned above."
There are several tabs at the top of the landing page that you should explore: "Discover" and "Navigate" in particular.Search genealogy resources at Live Roots:
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015
DAR Bible Records and Transcriptions
The DAR provides an index of more than 40,000 Bible Records online for free. Each entry provides a transcription of the name and some date information concerning birth, marriage, and death. The amount of information depends on the source record.
You don't get to see an image of the original page, but you can get a catalog entry for the holding at the DAR to follow up on.
Check it out at: DAR Genealogical Research Databases:
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You don't get to see an image of the original page, but you can get a catalog entry for the holding at the DAR to follow up on.
Check it out at: DAR Genealogical Research Databases:
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Sunday, November 15, 2015
Genealogy Gophers Searches Online Genealogy Books
Genealogy Gophers allows you to search online genealogy books by name, date range, place, relatives' name, or by specific publication. It focuses on the books available at the site, but adds value as it does so. Search results at Genealogy Gophers show your hits in context; that is, your search term is show in a snippet of the actual text. This allows you to make an initial judgment as to whether or not the text found actually applies to your ancestor or not. If it does, clicking on the link will take you to the full text.
This is a work in process. Not all of the books in the collection are represented here, but according to the site authors, they are working on it. Take a moment to follow the link "About GenGophers) found at the top of the landing page to get a more complete idea of the site's goals and offerings.
It is worth checking out at: Genealogy Gophers:
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This is a work in process. Not all of the books in the collection are represented here, but according to the site authors, they are working on it. Take a moment to follow the link "About GenGophers) found at the top of the landing page to get a more complete idea of the site's goals and offerings.
It is worth checking out at: Genealogy Gophers:
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Friday, November 13, 2015
PGS Events for the Week of 15-21 November 2015
We have a lots going on this week!
Monday, 16-Nov-2015 at 10:00 AM--Scanned Genealogy Books Online--How and where to find them (Google books, HeritageQuest,, et al), Summers, LH Room, Largo Library
Tuesday, 17-Nov-2015 at 1:00 PM--Italian Genealogy Interest Group, Bedore, LH Room, Largo Library
Wednesday, 18-Nov-2015 at 1:30 PM--National Archives,–Ordering military records, Summers, Charlotte County Genealogy Society, Port Charlotte, FL
Wednesday, 18-Nov-2015 at 1:00 PM--England/Wales Genealogy Interest Group, Pearson, LH Room, Largo Library
Thursday, 19-Nov-2015 at 1:00 PM--Intro to Irish Genealogy Part 3. This is an in-depth class about the church systems in Ireland, their church records and guided practice searching Roman Catholic Parish Registers from Antrim to Wicklow. Commons, Jenkins C, Largo Library
Friday, 20-Nov-2015 at 10:30 AM--German Genealogy Interest Group, Dietz, LH Room, Largo Library
Saturday, 21-Nov-2015 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy--Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library
Saturday, 21 Nov 2015 at 11:00 AM--Program Meeting--Introduction to U. S. Immigration Records, George Morgan, Jenkins B, Largo Library
Saturday, 21 Nov 2015 at 12:30 PM--Workshop tour of the Genealogy Center at Largo Library showing the many genealogy resources there. Summers, Genealogy Center
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Local Newspaper Transcriptions From Arlington, Texas Public Library
This link takes you to a rather unique newspaper collection. The papers available are the Arlington Journal (1897 to 1940, with some years missing), and Arlington Citizen (1937-1940).
When you click on the desired year, your are taken to a transcription of selected articles in various issues of the paper for that selected year. The articles appear to focus on reports of deaths, but not exclusively.
Check it out at: Local Newspaper Transcriptions | Arlington Public Library:
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When you click on the desired year, your are taken to a transcription of selected articles in various issues of the paper for that selected year. The articles appear to focus on reports of deaths, but not exclusively.
Check it out at: Local Newspaper Transcriptions | Arlington Public Library:
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Monday, November 9, 2015
Free Databases at the Allen County Public Library
This link will take you to the Allen County Public Library listing of free databases. They can be accessed from anywhere, not just the library itself.
In the list you will find gateways (lists of websites dealing with specific topics such as African American and Native American research), as well as online records provided by the library (family Bible records, Indiana resources, etc.).
Check it out at: Free Databases:
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In the list you will find gateways (lists of websites dealing with specific topics such as African American and Native American research), as well as online records provided by the library (family Bible records, Indiana resources, etc.).
Check it out at: Free Databases:
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Saturday, November 7, 2015
PGS Events for the Week of 8-14 November 2015
Monday, 9-Nov-2015 at 2:00 PM--Swedish Genealogy Interest Group. We will review steps needed to start the search for your Swedish ancestors (in Sweden) and also do an overview of the resources available in the Largo Library Genealogy Collection. Please bring a written research question for the group to address either at this or future meetings. Charest, Local History Room, Largo Library
Tuesday, 10-Nov-2015 at 6:00 PM--Facebook for Genealogy--demonstration of how to use this very popular social networking site for genealogy. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library
Thursday, 12-Nov-2015 at 1:00 PM--Irish Genealogy Interest Group--A discussion group for all those interested in finding their Irish roots. The format will be basically Q & A plus some structured sharing of techniques, resources, etc as the group determines. Commons, Jenkins C, Largo Library
Friday, November 6, 2015
Obit Index from Burnet County, Texas
If you have ancestors from around Burnet County, Texas, this site may be of help to you. It provides an index of obituaries from 1876 to 1910.
From the landing page, click on the year of interest in the list to the left, and you will be presented with an alphabetized name list that includes residence, newspaper name, and newspaper date, and whether or not the paper copy is available. If you find an obit you want, the landing page provides an email address you can use for the request.
Obit Index:
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From the landing page, click on the year of interest in the list to the left, and you will be presented with an alphabetized name list that includes residence, newspaper name, and newspaper date, and whether or not the paper copy is available. If you find an obit you want, the landing page provides an email address you can use for the request.
Obit Index:
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Catholic Cemetery Listings in Seattle Washington
You can search burials by name at this website of the Associated Catholic Cemeteries of Seattle, Washington. The cemeteries involved are Calvary, Gethsemane, Holyrood, St. Patrick and Parish Cemeteries.
You will be asked for your name, phone number, and email address; and then a search form will be presented. You can search by first name, last name, and burial date. Clicking on a name on the resulting hit list will reveal burial information and a map of the cemetery with burial location indicated.
Search Step 1 | Associated Catholic Cemeteries, Seattle Washington:
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You will be asked for your name, phone number, and email address; and then a search form will be presented. You can search by first name, last name, and burial date. Clicking on a name on the resulting hit list will reveal burial information and a map of the cemetery with burial location indicated.
Search Step 1 | Associated Catholic Cemeteries, Seattle Washington:
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Native American Collection on Fold3 Free from 1-15 November
Check out the titles in this collection. They include:
- Ratified Indian Treaties (1722-1869): Ratified treaties that occurred between the United States government and American Indian tribes. Also included are presidential proclamations, correspondence, and treaty negotiation expenses.
- Indian Census Rolls (1885-1940): Census rolls submitted annually by agents or superintendents of Indian reservations as required by an 1884 Act of Congress. Only persons who maintained a formal affiliation with a tribe under Federal supervision are listed on these census rolls.
- Dawes Packets: Applications between 1896 and 1914 from members of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole tribes to establish eligibility for an allotment of land in return for abolishing their tribal governments and recognizing Federal law.
- Dawes Enrollment Cards (1898-1914): Enrollment cards, also referred to as "census cards," prepared by the staff of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, commonly known as the Dawes Commission. The cards record information provided by applications submitted by members of the same family group or household and include notations of the actions taken.
- Eastern Cherokee Applications (1906-1909): Applications submitted for shares of the money that was appropriated for the Eastern Cherokee Indians by Congress on June 30, 1906.
- Enrollment of Eastern Cherokee by Guion Miller (1908-1910): The Guion Miller Roll is perhaps the most important source for Cherokee genealogical research. There are an estimated 90,000 individual applicants from throughout North America included within this publication.
- Cherokee Indian Agency, TN (1801-1835): The records of the agent of Indian Affairs in Tennessee, including correspondence, agency letter books, fiscal records, records of the Agent for the Department of War in Tennessee, records of the Agent for Cherokee Removal, and miscellaneous records.
- Rinehart Photos - Native Americans (1898): Photographs of over 100 Native Americans taken by Frank A. Rinehart, a commercial photographer in Omaha, Nebraska. Rinehart was commissioned to photograph the 1898 Indian Congress, part of the Trans-Mississippi International Exposition.

Native American Collection:
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Monday, November 2, 2015
Jewish Genealogical Society of Tampa Bay Meeting on 8 November Features DNA
The Jewish Genealogical Society of Tampa Bay will meet at Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services, 14041 Icot Blvd., Clearwater, Florida on Sunday November 8, 2015 with Chris Burklund speaking on DNA and Genealogy. A social with refreshments and library access begins at 1:30 PM, and the featured program starts at 2:00 PM.
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