Saturday, December 13, 2014

PGS Educational Events for the week of 14-20 December 2014

Monday, 15-Dec-14 at 10:00 AM--Library of Congress Website--what genealogy help it provides, veterans’ information, historic newspapers, digital collections, photographs, and use of the catalog. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Wednesday, 17-Dec-14 at 6:00 PM--National Archives,–Ordering Data. This is an in-depth explanation of how to order several different records from the National Archives. The records include military (both historic and modern), naturalization, census, land, and microfilm. Both online and postal mail ordering procedures will be covered.  Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library.
Thursday, 18-Dec-2014 at 12:30—the class will demonstrate how to search the vast databases available on this rapidly-expanding site made available from the LDS (Mormon) genealogy collection. Bryan, Aging Well Center, 1501 N. Belcher Rd., Clearwater, FL
Saturday, 20-Dec-14 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy--Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library
Saturday, 20 Dec 2014 at 11:00 AM—Program Meeting, Holiday Party and “Show and Tell”. Bring your family heirlooms, genealogical displays or other items about your family history to show others. Display tables will be available around the room.

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