Sunday, January 12, 2014

PGS Events for the Week of 12 January

Here is what's happening this week at Pinellas Genealogy Society:

Monday, 13-Jan-2014 at 6:00 PM--City Directories in Genealogy Research--City directories are a valuable genealogy resource. They can give information on household composition, residence and business location, and insights into the lives our ancestors led. They can also be used as a substitute for the US Federal Census, or used in conjunction with the census to locate hard-to-find ancestors. This class explores the history of this resource, the research value of the information they provide, and where to find the records. Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library
Tuesday, 14-Jan-2014 at 6:00 PM--Searching the internet for online scanned books (google books, heritage quest,, et al). Summers, Local History Room, Largo Library
Saturday, 18-Jan-2014 at 10:00 AM--Computers in Genealogy--Question and answer session on the use of computers in genealogy research and record keeping. Bryan, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 18-Jan-2014 at 11:00 AM--Program Meeting- “I Couldn’t Put it Down! Create a NextGen Family History Book, ” Marlis Humphrey, Jenkins B, Largo Library.
Saturday, 18-Jan-2014 at 1:00 PM--Workshop tour of the Genealogy Center showing the many genealogical research resources there. Stokes, Genealogy Center, Largo Library

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