Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Topographical Maps Can Pay Off

William Dollarhide, writing in the Genealogy Blog of Leland Meitzler, gives us a detailed explanation of the use one can make of a topographical map, specifically the 7.5 map series of the US Geological Survey.

His article explains the maps well, and gives many examples of how they can be used to further genealogical research.

The Pinellas Genealogy Society has two classes that explain the uses of several different types of maps, as well as give suggestions about where to find them. “Topo” maps are one of those included in the discussion.

If Dollarhide’s article sparks your interest at all, check out the PGS class list (on the society website to be sure you don’t miss the next time one of those classes is scheduled.

You can find the article at the following address:

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