Friday, March 30, 2012

Disposing of electronics — Part 4

You have old electronic products to get rid of, and you don't/can't donate, recycle, or trade them. Here's one more option.
Sell it. eBay's Instant Sale, and might offer cash plus free shipping in some cases. That's not all.
1., You can compare cash offers from across the Web in one search. Enter details, click a button, and in seconds Ecosquid gives prices and recycling options. You choose.
2. Flipswap, ( Get a real-time price for your working wireless phone, mail it for free, and they'll send a check. If the phone needs recycling, Flipswap will plant a tree.

Brick Walls

We have all come up against a brick wall or two in our research, I am sure. Well, now you can come up against some brick walls and actually enjoy them.

Genealogy Today has provided us with over 20 images of different brick walls. You can just enjoy looking at them or you can use them as your computer screen wallpaper if you wish.

Stare at the brick walls at Free Brick Wall Images

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Newspaper Directory, 1690-Present - Chronicling America (The Library of Congress)

This is a great site if you are interested in historic newspapers. The Library of Congress site on the Chronicling of America can give you a fairly comprehensive list of newspapers that were published, when, where, and by whom.

You can search for the paper by name, state, or year of publication. You can also search for and view on line digitized images of a very large collection.

You can find the site at Search U.S. Newspaper Directory, 1690-Present - Chronicling America (The Library of Congress)

Monday, March 26, 2012

RootsTech 2012 Videos

If you missed RootsTech 2012, some of the presentations have now been made available on the Internet for your viewing. You could have watched them earlier, but in the earlier offering, an entire day’s videos were strung together in about six continuous hours of video. Now the presentations have been isolate into their own separate videos.

A few of the titles are “Do I Trust the Cloud,” “Effective Data Base Search Tactics,” and “Genealogy Podcasts and Blogs.” In all there are 17 titles.

View them at RootsTech 2012 Videos

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Re-creating Family Recipes

If you are a cook, this article by Diane Haddad in the “Genealogy Insider” may be of interest to you. This is more than just following a recipe, however.

Diane gives  you ideas of how you can tap into  your creativity to create dishes of old without the benefit of having the recipe…as is often the case.

Check out the article at Genealogy Insider - A Peck and A Pottle: Re-creating Family Recipes

Friday, March 23, 2012

Disposing of electronics — Part 3

That old disk drive that broke down under the burden of billions of bits of genealogical data and the mobile you wore out texting continuously to other genealogists have got to be disposed of. How, without polluting more Mother Earth? We looked at Donating and Recycling. Here's another idea.
Trade it in. Some companies like Dell, Apple, and Radio Shack offer discounts when you recycle working products. Some other options:
1. Best Buy, ( Check this web site to get a price and ship your item for free, or take it to a Best Buy Trade-in Store for a gift card.
2., also awards gift cards for eligible electronics.
3. Staples, ( Turn in up to 10 used ink cartridges a month and get $2 in Staples Rewards for each.
We can all do our part to save the environment. One final tip on electronics disposal coming soon.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

University of Iowa Yearbooks Now Online

If you have ties to the University of Iowa, you will get excited that their year books from 1892 to 1992 are now online.

You can see the collection at University of Iowa Yearbooks Digital Collection - The University of Iowa Libraries

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

“Finding Your Roots” on PBS

Henry Gates, Jr. has a new show starting on PBS on 25 March. This show will deal with the genealogies of well-known people, much like the popular “Who Do You Think You Are?”

You can read about the show and Gates at Finding Your Roots | PBS

It’s nice to have multiple shows about genealogy on the air. At some level this is probably going to become a competition for ratings and viewer-ship, but to most of us, it will simply represent welcome opportunities to see different approaches to research and their results.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Smartphone Apps for Genealogy

James Tanners recently wrote an article on genealogy Apps for smartphones in the TechTips Blog of FamilySearch. If you have a smartphone, this article may give you a lead on some Apps that you will find useful. If you don’t have a smartphone but are curious about that world, you will also find the article valuable.

Read James’ article at Smartphone Apps for Genealogy

Monday, March 19, 2012

Roots Magic User Group Will Be Dark This Month

The RootsMagic Users Group which normally meets the 4th Saturday of each month (that would be 24 March this time) will not be held this month. The library will be committing the entire day to setting up for the annual Art Hop which will take place on the same day. We have relinquished our morning activity to support that event.

Mark your calendar for 28 April, however. That will be the next meeting of the RootsMagic Users Group.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

How Genetic Genealogists Are Seen

If you enjoyed the last post, you will also love this one. This time we get a view of how genetic genealogists are viewed by relatives, traditional genealogists, mothers, geneticists, and society.

Enjoy it at

Friday, March 16, 2012

Disposing of electronics — Part 2

What do you do with electronic equipment when it has genealogically (and otherwise) "gone south"?
Recycle it. Keep hazardous materials out of the landfills, while recycling metal, plastic, and glass. Look for EPA partners at Then try:
1., Should tell you what recycling centers and programs are in your neighborhood.
2. Dell Reconnect, ( This is a collaboration between Dell and Goodwill. At participating Goodwill centers, you can turn in any brand, any condition. Dell supports the program with recycling technology.
Recycling your equipment will keep it from the landfills. More tips on electronics disposal coming soon.

How Genealogists are viewed

Time for a light-hearted break. Here is an idea of how our relatives, friends, mothers, Ancestry, and society view us genealogists.

It is both clever and true. Check it out at

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ancestry’s Interactive Image Viewer (Beta)

Ancestry is rolling out an interactive image viewer, and it is currently in Beta test in a limited number of records sets.

Some of it’s features are color coding the searched individual and his family, mouse-over explanations of record content, the ability to control image orientation and contrast, and more.

You can read all about the viewer at Interactive Image Viewer (Beta)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Free Family Tree Charts and Forms

Kimberly Powell entered a post at “ Genealogy” pointing us to some cool family tree charts…which are free.

Here is an excerpt that explains a bit about what you can get:

  “View, download, save and print a variety of free family tree charts and forms. These include traditional family tree charts, fan and pedigree charts.
  “Some of the free family tree charts are even interactive - meaning that you can type in the fields online before saving locally to your computer or printing for family members.”

Give it a look at Free Family Tree Charts & Forms - Free Genealogy Charts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

RootsTech Highlights

If you were unable to attend RootsTech last month, as most of us were unable to do, this article by Diane Haddad found in her blog "genealogy insider" was meant for you.

She gives a summary of the highlights from her point of view.  During the conference she wrote and posted articles about what was going on, and this article links to those items.

You can find it at Genealogy Insider - RootsTech News Wrap-up

Friday, March 9, 2012

Disposing of electronics — Part 1

Not pertinent to genealogy? Au contraire. Those computers, scanners, printers, mobiles, cameras, etc., are almost as indispensable to genealogy today as paper and pencil. But what to do with them when they're no longer useful?
Donate it. Contact local charities to see what they'll accept. Three national programs to look at:
1. Cell Phones for Soldiers, ( Every phone provides an hour of talk time to soldiers overseas.
2. Hopeline, ( Phones can be provided to victims of domestic violence.
3. National Cristina Foundation, ( This organization finds customers for your castoffs among schools and charities in all US States, Canada, and internationally.
Donating your equipment will keep it from the landfills. More tips on electronics disposal coming soon.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dutch Genealogy–Looking at Surnames

If you are interested in Dutch genealogy, this article by Miriam Klaassen is certainly for you. And if you are not, you can still pick up some interesting information about surname origins by reading it.

Did you know that Napoleon mandated surnames in the Netherlands in 1811?  This is just one of the many interesting things you will find by reading this article.

Check it out at Dutch Genealogy - Surnames in the Netherlands

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Some New Twists on Google Searches

We have all used Google in our genealogy research, I am sure.  And we have all picked up hints and tips about how to get the most out of using that search engine.

But the "genealogy in time magazine" officer five new Google search tricks for us to play with.  One involves an encrypted search, and another shows us how to search simultaneously in two different languages.

Read about those two and others at Five New Google Search Tricks

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Before You Search, See if the Records Exist

James Tanner gives us a thoughtful piece in his blog “Genealogy’s Star.” He differentiates the task of searching for a name and the task of searching for a record.  The bottom line is that we spend a lot of time searching by our ancestor's name, not knowing whether the type of record we are searching for even exists.  Becoming knowledgeable about what records exist in what timeframes will save us time and frustration when we get to the point of the name search.

James has a lot more to say on this topic. Read it all at Genealogy's Star: Realistic Record Availability

Friday, March 2, 2012

Immigration Lists Before 1820—NOT!

The Genealogy Tip of the Day by Michael John Neill gives an important piece of information to consider when doing immigration records research.

Check it out at Genealogy Tip of the Day: Not Before 1820