What you see to the right is our consultant schedule with only the openings shown. Those are the 3-hour blocks where we have no one on duty at the genealogy desk in the Largo Library. In case its confusing, "AFT" stands for afternoon, and "NITE" means night.
We need to cover these time periods. Patrons rely on PGS consultants to aid them in using the library resources. Don't worry about how much you know...you will receive training, and we will team you with an experienced consultant until you feel confident to go it on your own.
If you want to volunteer and wish to do so during a time when we already have a consultant on duty, that's all right...we would like to have depth at each time slot. And don't worry if you must miss a time or two. This is not an Army enlistment, we will just work around absences.
Contact me if you wish to participate (272-535-3093; ppsummers@yahoo.com). Take it from me and the other consultants: this is a very rewarding way to spend your time.
We need to cover these time periods. Patrons rely on PGS consultants to aid them in using the library resources. Don't worry about how much you know...you will receive training, and we will team you with an experienced consultant until you feel confident to go it on your own.
If you want to volunteer and wish to do so during a time when we already have a consultant on duty, that's all right...we would like to have depth at each time slot. And don't worry if you must miss a time or two. This is not an Army enlistment, we will just work around absences.
Contact me if you wish to participate (272-535-3093; ppsummers@yahoo.com). Take it from me and the other consultants: this is a very rewarding way to spend your time.
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